Thursday, 8 September 2016

17th of September: Language Exchange at Caffe Clifton

One of the things we love about Bristol is that it is home to a range of cultures, nationalities and languages. Here at Caffe Clifton, situated close to the University and several International Language Schools, it is not unusual to hear conversations in several different tongues occurring around our tables. Even our staff can boast multilingual proficiencies, for example our Barista Maria is fluent in Spanish and Dorotea who works close by on the hotel reception desk possesses skills in Mandarin.

To celebrate this diversity we are holding a language exchange on Saturday the 17th of September.

The dynamic will be friendly and informal; think relaxed conversations over coffee and cake, but in several different languages. All are welcome whether you are multilingual or monosyllabic, it’s a chance to get to know new people, build your confidence in a new language, and of course eat lots of delicious cake!

And if you needany more convincing, check out these fascinating facts about language diversity:

At least 91 different languages are spoken across Bristol*

At least half of the world’s population are bilingual or plurilingual, i.e. they speak two or more languages.**

Bilingualism arguably brings with it many benefits: it makes the learning of additional languages easier, enhances the thinking process and fosters contacts with other people and their cultures.**

The critical threshold for the survival of a language is estimated at 300 000 speakers. This means that about 80% of the European minority languages are endangered.***

A significant chunk of the world’s languages, estimated at 2,200, are found in Asia, while Europe can only boast a mere 260 in comparison.****

The country with the most official languages is Zimbabwe, with a massive 16 different languages being recognised as official!****

Please do get in contact for any more information:

Address: St Paul’s Road, BS8 1LX
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 0117 973 6882

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

The Caffe Clifton Team





Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Gluten Free Cakes

Hi everyone,

As you may know, we offer a large range of gluten free options.  In this post I am delighted to introduce some of our delicious new cakes for August, which include several gluten free options, all of which are clearly labelled with the ingredients they contain.  We are keen to try and provide cakes for everyone's dietary requirements, so if you are allergic to anything please, just let us know and we will be more than happy to double check any cake for you. 

See below for mouth watering pictures and check on our website for the options available that week. 

See you all soon ;)


Friday, 24 June 2016

Bristol Festivals

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 2016


This is one of the most popular festivals in Bristol. The 38th Bristol International Balloon Fiesta will take place from 11th to 14th August 2016 offering four fantastic days of free family fun.

Event details and programme coming soon. For further information please email or call 0117 904 6509.

Harbourside Festival

2016 dates announced. Bristol Harbour Festival will take place on 15 -17 July 2016. If you are a fan of arts, circus, dance, music, boats, nautical capers, good food and drink and general enjoyment - make sure you put that weekend in your diary.


King Lear at Bristol Old Vic


Three daughters are asked to compete for the wealth of their father, a King made weary by age and on the edge of breakdown. Defeated by his own arrogance and baffled by his daughters' inflated praise, Lear's sanity begins to slide until he is left in a mental wilderness accompanied only by his faithful fool. In this powerful examination of inter-generational conflict, Lear's position of authority as both a ruler and a father disintegrates as his mind betrays him.

British theatre legend Timothy West plays Lear in Tom Morris' production of Shakespeare's great tragedy with Stephanie Cole (Open All Hours) and David Hargreaves (The Crucible) alongside the stars of tomorrow from Bristol Old Vic Theatre School.

This production marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death and celebrates Bristol Old Vic's 250th anniversary and the Theatre School's 70th anniversary.



Saturday, 28 May 2016

Our outdoor seating area has been revamped!

Summer is fast approaching, so we have decided to decorate our outdoor space with plants and comfy pillows!
You can also meet Pepper, the local cat who loves snuggles!

So sit back and enjoy the Summer (whilst it lasts) with our delicious fruit smoothies and fantastic selection of cakes! As always we offer gluten free options ;)

Monday, 2 May 2016

Join the next Free Walking Tour!

Hi all,

How are you? I hope you are ok. Looking forward to summer? We are too, it's been very cold recently but hopefully weather will be much nicer soon.

Do you remember that we are located in the beatiful Clifton area? Now there is a free walking tour runing around the area. It starts in Victoria Room (5 min far from the Caffe) and it gives you the chance to see the area and get some historical knowledge.

The guide is called James and he is a local guy and makes the tour really funny and interesting. You can see some pictures below.

I personally went to this tour with a friend and I learnt a lot, even if you have been living in Bristol for a while, I am sure you would find it very interesting.

See the pictures and find him every day at 10.30am and 2.30pm at Victoria Rooms!

Lovely James

My friend Anna, James and I enjoying the views

One of his recent tours!

Thanks for following us!

See you soon.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Caffe Clifton has been REBRANDED!

Our cozy Caffe has undergone a facelift, just in time for Spring time!
With new menu boards and signage, Caffe Clifton is looking better than ever.

We even have fancy new Loyalty cards! The offer still stands; grab yourself 9 drinks and get the 10th one on us!

We are also excited to be bringing back our cool milkshakes, starting with Strawberry and Forest Fruits flavours! Grab yours today!!